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Sustainable Communities Fund

Sustainable Communities Fund

This fund is managed by the South Downs National Park Trust in partnership with the South Downs National Park Authority and will allocate grants of up to £10,000 through its grant panel.

Any partnership or other not for profit organisations which include social enterprise, community interest companies, voluntary organisations and ‘for profit’ organisations (these projects cannot be for financial gain to the business) can apply for funding if they believe their project is bringing social, environmental, economic or cultural benefits to a community within the National Park.

Grants are available for up to 50% of the project cost from £500 to a maximum of £10,000. Please note that the criteria of the fund are regularly reviewed and may change without notice. The National Park Authority is not obliged to consider applications under criteria which were in place when an enquiry or expression of interest was made.

For the latest information please visit the Sustainable Communities Fund on the South Downs Trust website. Here, you will also find some of our recently funded projects – which feature a selection of previous beneficiaries.

Application forms are not available for download as we encourage an initial conversation about your project – please contact the Grants Officer, 01730 819223, grants@southdowns.gov.uk


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."