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  • What is an advertisement?

    Legislation defines an advertisement as including:

    • posters and notices
    • placards and boards
    • fascia signs and projecting signs
    • pole signs and canopy signs
    • models and devices
    • advance signs and directional signs
    • estate agents’ boards
    • captive balloon advertising (not balloons in flight)
    • flag advertisements
    • price markers and price displays
    • traffic signs
    • town and village name-signs
  • What action can the Authority take in respect of unlawful advertisements?

    The display of any advertisement without consent (where not exempt from consent or benefiting from deemed consent) is a criminal offence. The local planning authority has powers to remove or obliterate any unlawful advertisement and may also seek to prosecute offenders.

    This on a case by case basis and there are a lot of factors that have to be considered, it is better to contact enforcement@southdowns.gov.uk for some informal initial advice before putting up your advertisement.

  • Which advertisements can I simply just display according to the Regulations?

    The following:

    • One captive balloon advertisement not more than 60metres in the air for not more than 10 days a year provided it’s not in a conservation area. Balloons over 60m in the air are also subject to Civil Aviation Authority (www.caa.co.uk) controls.
    • Advertisements in enclosed sites like railway stations, bus stations or sports stadiums.
    • Advertisements displayed on a vehicle provided it is not static.
    • Advertisements that are integral to a building elevation like names carved into stone facades.
    • Price tickets or trade names of up to 0.1sqm displayed on the petrol pumps or vending machines.
    • Advertisements about elections provided they are removed 14 days after close of poll.
    • Advertisements required by any Parliamentary Order or Act.
    • Traffic signs and particularly any traffic signs required by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
    • A national flag flown on a single vertical flagpole provided there is nothing added to the flag or the pole.
    • Non-illuminated adverts inside a building not within one metre of any opening through which they can be seen.

    More detailed advice is available on the Planning Portal.

  • Can I put an advertisement on a listed building?

    Some signs that are normally permitted within the advertisements regulations require separate listed building consent if they are attached to listed buildings.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."