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Pre-Submission (Reg.19) of the South Downs Local Plan

Pre-Submission (Reg.19) of the South Downs Local Plan

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) published the Pre-Submission Local Plan for consultation from 26 September 2017 to 21 November 2017. We received over 2500 comments from over 500 individuals or organisations. Please note the consultation on the Pre-Submission Local Plan has now closed and we are no longer able to accept comments. The SDNPA have submitted the Local Plan and supporting documents to the Secretary of State for examination.

Alongside the Pre-Submission Local Plan we Document Coverasked for comments on a number of other supporting documents, including the Sustainability Appraisal and the Habitats Regulation Assessment, all comments received can be found below.

We would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to comment on the Pre-Submission South Downs Local Plan. A summary of the main issues raised can be found in the Consultation Statement available on the Local Plan examination webpage.

You can view all the comments received by clicking on the ‘view responses’ link below. If you would like to view the comments by policy or part of the plan please click on the links below.

For further updates on the Local Plan please visit the South Downs National Park Authority Local Plan Examination webpage.

Summary of the Issues

We have prepared a summary of the representations and our response to them. This updates Appendix 4 of the Consultation Statement in the Core Document Library.

South Downs Local Plan Issues and Responses

Search for individual representations by person, organisation or policy area

You can find and search all the representations on our consultation webpages:

South Downs Local Plan Search for Representations

Each person or organisation who responded to the Pre-Submission Consultation was allocated a reference number beginning with the letter ‘R’.  You can use the documents below to find the ‘R’ number for a person or organisation:

Respondent Alphabetical by Surname

Respondent Details by ‘R’ Number

If you have any questions about using these documents then please contact the Planning Policy Team on planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.ukor telephone 01730 814810.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."