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SDNPA Response to Highways England consultation on the A27 at Arundel

SDNPA Response to Highways England consultation on the A27 at Arundel

December 22, 2017

At its meeting on the October 19 2017, South Downs National Park Authority Members agreed the following response be sent to Highways England (HE) regarding the A27 Arundel bypass consultation.

SDNPA response to the Highways England Consultation

Having taken further advice South Downs National Park Authority Members agreed at their meeting on 19 December 2017 that  the following supplement be sent to Highways England (HE).

Supplement to SDNPA Response to Highways England proposals for A27 Arundel

Evidence Base

The following further evidence documents have been commissioned separately by MAVES (Mid Arun Valley Environmental Survey) and are referenced in the SDNPA Ecological Report.