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10 questions with…Chris Paterson

10 questions with…Chris Paterson

December 20, 2021

We catch up with Chris Paterson, Communities Lead for our planning team.


Three words that sum up your job in planning?

Busy, random and rewarding.


Okay, so what’s your role at the National Park?

My main role is to support our local communities to conserve and enhance the National Park. The South Downs is home to more people than any other National Park (around 117,000) and the communities that live here have a dramatic effect on the park, positively and occasionally negatively. My role is to help them tap into the support, expertise and dedication of National Park staff to make these communities better places to live and ultimately the National Park a better place for everyone


What appealed to you about working in planning?

I studied planning as part of my degree. I think the seed was sown when I was a child actually when I spent many an hour playing games like Sims or Sim City. I suppose I enjoyed planning how places can work, develop and change.


Can you describe your typical day?

There’s no typical day in my job, every day is different! The most typical thing in my job is giving people advice and helping them to understand how lucky they are to live in a National Park!


Best thing about working in planning for a National Park?

In National Parks the environment and landscape are key. We start with the landscape and our surroundings, and try to grow and develop without harming what makes this place special. We rely on the landscape, nature and the wider environment and we respect that, it’s at the core of everything we do….and my drive to work is pretty special as well!

Harting Down in winter by Richard Reed

What do you love about the South Downs National Park?

The downhill bits on the way back from a bike ride or visit to a local pub, explaining to my six year old why they’re called Downs and the green polo shirts. Last but not least, the people that live here. We’re full of people from all walks of life.


Currently reading/watching?

Reading – Matilda (six year old) and Saving Gracie – The story of Cow 812 (one year old)

Watching – not much, I try to go to bed early to cope with the multiple waking and 5am starts!


If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pickled onion Monster Munch.


Who inspires you?

Are they allowed to be fictional? If so, Andy Dufresne. Hope is a good thing, may be the best of the things. And good things never die.

If it has to be someone in the real world it would be my best mate Simon, who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. He lived with Muscular Dystrophy, but was always positive and lived every day like it was his last.


Describe your perfect day (when not working, of course!)

Getting up after 5am, eating breakfast in peace, a shower without interruption.  Outdoor swimming would feature in my perfect day and  spending time with my kids –  in daylight hours!