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Discover the Downs! New project connects children with National Park

Discover the Downs! New project connects children with National Park

September 10, 2024

Hundreds of schoolchildren from across the South East will be able to enjoy the wonders of the South Downs National Park thanks to a major funding boost.

The “Discover the Downs” initiative will get scores of children into the great outdoors, bringing exciting experiences to youngsters who don’t have easy access to National Parks.

Schools from across Hampshire and Sussex – with over 30 per cent of their pupils eligible for pupil premium funding – are now being invited to apply for fully-funded visits to the National Park.

Activities might include “discovery days” to develop a connection with nature, including learning about conservation, bushcraft, wild art and natural sciences, all within the breathtaking surrounds of the National Park. As the South Downs is one of only 22 International Dark Sky Reserves, children will have the opportunity to enjoy stargazing, learn about nocturnal wildlife and spend a night under the stars.

The National Park has also teamed up with The Sustainability Centre, near Petersfield, to offer fun residential stays for children, as well as Goodwood Education Trust, near Chichester, to offer farm visits.

The initiative, made possible by funding from Defra as part of Defra’s ongoing support for access to nature, will build on the success of Generation Green. The project, led by the Youth Hostel Association working with a range of partners including National Parks, supported schools as they recovered from the pandemic, connecting over 100,000 young people across the UK with nature and the environment.

Helping to deliver “Discover the Downs” for the National Park Authority will be experienced outdoor learning specialist Gina Mitchell.

Gina said: “As the school term begins, we’re incredibly excited to be starting this initiative to help children discover the South Downs, many of whom will be visiting this amazing landscape for the very first time.

“We’re keen for schools to apply as soon as possible as there’s a limited time window for this funding to be spent and there’s also limited availability, so do not delay your application!

“We want to work with teachers to develop action-packed school trips or residential stays that give children the most rewarding experiences and complement their current studies.”

A wide body of research has shown that connecting with nature and learning outdoors can benefit children’s mental and physical health, including assisting brain development, increasing attainment, supporting social skills, and reducing anxiety. A recent report showed that more than 500 children a day are being referred to NHS mental health services for anxiety.

Amanda Elmes, Learning, Outreach and Volunteer Lead for the National Park, said: “Children are the future custodians of everything around us, including precious wildlife and the countryside, and it’s so important that each and every one of them can experience a National Park.

“There’s compelling evidence of a growing disconnect between young people and the natural environment and National Parks offer a tremendous learning space to address this problem. Anxiety is at record levels in children, so projects like this are more important than ever.

“The sad truth is that not all children have access to green space and that’s why initiatives like this are so vital. Being curious about the natural world is a life-long skill that all children should have the opportunity to develop.”

“Discover the Downs” continues the South Downs National Park’s ongoing commitment to young people. Since the National Park was created in 2010, more than 40,000 young people have been able to access learning opportunities in the great outdoors thanks to various grant schemes from the National Park Authority and South Downs National Park Trust.

Any school interested in organising a Discovery Day can contact Gina at learning@southdowns.gov.uk

Schools interested in residential stays at The Sustainability Centre can contact the Centre directly at education@sustainability-centre.org

Schools interested in farm visits at Goodwood Education Trust can contact the Trust directly at get@goodwood.com

To find out more about Discover the Downs, visit this webpage.